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practices for sustainable use of resources and for the reduction of consumption

The ECOSTEAM project promotes innovative and engaging teaching on the use of STEAM. Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics are taught with the use of Art, a creative and effective communication channel. The themes developed by the project are water, waste, energy and transport. The topics covered are essential for making children understand how a city works and how much work is needed to manage it. Research institutions, Municipalities and utilities are involved to share and make public the good practices implemented by companies in the management of water, energy, waste and transport and collaborate with schools in creating effective and coordinated educational paths on the various topics which allow highlight the good practices for sustainable use of resources and for the reduction of consumption. ECOSTEAM offers didactic materials and a methodological guide for the study of STEAM in curricular teaching.

The project is dedicated to high schools throughout all Europe.

Water Ecosteam Project

Water is an element linked to life

Water Ecosteam Project
Water Ecosteam Project
Water Ecosteam Project
The water cycle in the city helps is a topic to understand the importance of water management. Potabilization, distribution and wastewater purification are directly connected to the natural hydrogeological cycle. The connection with the territory is very close, the physiography of the landscape, and the distribution of the surface and underground water makes the subject multidisciplinary and interesting for the pupils who acquire a complete understanding of the city in which they live, especially on climate change.
Studying water through practical activities and laboratories that explain chemistry, engineering, mathematics and other scientific subjects facilitates teaching and at the same time sensitizes children to reduce consumption.

We know little about what is 'behind' the energy we consume

Energy Ecosteam Project
Energy Ecosteam Project
Energy Ecosteam Project
Energy Ecosteam Project
Who produces it, who transports it, what source is used, how much is wasted, what pollution it causes, or has caused. Behind a gas cooker, a power socket, a petrol station, there is a 'world', in the true sense of the word.
We have realised that energy is the main contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. We have a goal in Europe: halve CO2 emissions by 2050, produce 55% of energy by 2035 from renewable sources. A goal that can be achieved by everyone doing their part, even with small gestures. But for this we need to know what energy is, how it is produced, how it is consumed, how much it pollutes.

We move all the time

Transport Ecosteam Project
Transport Ecosteam Project
Transport Ecosteam Project
We move all the time; on foot, by bicycle, scooter, car, bus, tram, train, plane, sometimes ship. New ones have been added to the traditional ones: car sharing, car pooling, bike sharing, scooters, assisted bicycles. We spend a lot of time and money on transport, but means of transport pollute, especially cars.
Getting around is a right, but it must be done responsibly and sustainably. That is why public transport (bus, tram, metro, train, taxi) is preferable to private transport and soft mobility (walking, cycling) is preferable to using motor vehicles. Technology helps us to choose the most suitable and environmentally friendly means of transport, such as some apps that build optimal routes. Activities in schools can help to join a sustainable way to move.

The management of the Integrated Waste Cycle

Waste Ecosteam Project
Waste Ecosteam Project
Waste Ecosteam Project
The management of the Integrated Waste Cycle (waste collection, street cleaning and other essential services for the environment, hygiene and decorum of cities) is a crucial point for the well-being of society. For years now, schools have been in contact with companies that manage waste locally to inform and make students aware of good disposal practices and to reduce waste production.
Forms of waste disposal such as landfill and incineration constitute the ultimate destination of waste that cannot be recovered in any other way. We must all work towards Reduction, Reuse, Recycle and Recovery! The European directive on waste (Waste Framework Directive, 2008) is based on the 4R paradigm. The project aims to facilitate schools and companies to collaborate for a more effective result at European level.

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ECOSTEAM offers didactic materials and a methodological guide for the study of STEAM in curricular teaching. The project is dedicated to high schools throughout all Europe.
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